About Our Product

  • Sections that build on each other

    This short, practical course is for busy people who want to discover and align their values with their financial goals. 

  • Gamified for interactive use

    This course features video, audio, animations, summaries, and exciting activities designed for visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners. 

  • Integrative for effective change

    Each activity personalizes the lesson before it so you can explore and improve your money relationship in real-time during the course.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Part 1 - What is Financial Anxiety

    3. Part 2 - Your Financial Goals Uncovered

    4. Part 3 - Exploring Your Values

    5. Part 4 - Aligning Your Goals With Your Values

    6. Conclusion

About this course

  • $299.99
  • 6 Parts
  • Course duration: 60 minutes

As a single mom of five, financial anxiety was a way of life. After stabilizing my life and finances, I thought that financial anxiety was in my past. When it resurfaced, I realized it wasn't the money or lack of it causing chaos in my life - it was me and my relationship with money.

Simi Mandelbaum CFT™️, AFC®️, FBS®️

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